Thursday, October 11, 2007

Get in touch with you inner tortoise

My TED talk was on Carl Honore:Slowing down in a world built for speed. He is a journalist in London who wrote a book about slowing down.

Our society has the worst reputation of "road runner" attitude. Where if we aren't doing something at every moment then we are wasting time. And what is time to a lot of us? Money!!!

So how did we get so deep into this issue. Over time our culture has put a taboo on the word slow. When someone is referred to as slow it is a negative label. We take on task after task without looking at the consequences it may cause. Weather it be short term and/or long term.

Now how do we fix this problem. We are going to have to reteach ourselves and our society that it is ok to stop and smell the roses. That taking a vacation really is needed.


Kristine said...

I am all for slow. Vacations are needed and I am in need of one, lol.
Yes today's society is running a rat race and we need to slow down and enjoy ourselves a little bit more.

Mark McKinzie said...

I agree that society as a whole seems to be rapidly be going about life spending every moment trying to race along. In some ways this is good though. When it comes to medicine, advancement in Biologically friendly technology or improving the quality of life for our world, I think it's important to race along as fast as we can. Do you agree that in some aspects is good to push? By no means should everything be done this way but at least in fields that could benefit the quality of life for everyone in our world.

Bryana said...

I do agree with what you are saying. The medical field especially should be a field we excel in as fast as we can. But on the negative side, say we are developing a new medication do you want that medication to be tested as fast as possible and then be put on the market, or have that medication go through the proper testing which takes years and years. So as you said you have to look at it both ways there is a benefit and a downside to racing through life.

Cardinel Butler said...

I tend to agree with you about taking time out for vacation. Everyday their is someone who doees not take the time to enjoy their surroundings. They say, "stop and smell the roses" because after a while they will wilt away.