Thursday, October 18, 2007

Environment Issues

Our environment is an issue in many social groups of our society, as it should be. You can even go as far as saying it is a political issue. I feel people are realizing that this is a growing matter and we need to stop taking it lightly or we will have no more existence here on earth.

Alex Steffen: Inspired ideas for a sustainable future, is who I did my TED talk about. He is the founder of, who offers his views of our world what it’s doing and where we are going.

A few random facts throughout his presentation that really got my attention:
*Our 1 plant uses enough resources to provide for at least 7-10 plants
*We are building a new city the size of Seattle every 7 days
*In the year 2025 there will be 8 billion people on our plant

I feel we should be ashamed of ourselves for taking advantage of our planet the way we do. I don’t know if people understand the magnitude of this situation. What will happen to us if we deplete all of our resources? Will there still be us?

I googled the population of Seattle and as of 2006 there is about 682,174 living in the city and an estimated metropolitan area population of approximately 4.3 million. Now just imagine that every 7 days we have a new city the size of Seattle that can house that kind of population. So what is that doing to our environment? Well for one I know it has to be taking up a lot of land to build a city that big. So there go the trees, and the poor animals that had a habitat, and our O-zone layer even more.

Our worldly population as of this year is estimated to be a little over 6.6 billion people. In the year 2025 we estimate our population to be 8 billion. That means from now to the year 2025 100 million people will be born every year. Now do the math here we are going to need a lot more Seattle’s to accompany that number. The problem is where are we going to find the space and resources to handle that growth if we are struggling at this moment to keep up with our environment now.

So obviously if we want to sustain life on this planet a few changes are needed in the immediate future!!!

1 comment:

Kate G. said...

Yes,changes are needed now! Alex Steffen also has a great article on the website about Al Gore winning the Nobel Peace Prize and how great it is that the world is starting to recognize the importance of changing the way we are hurting the environment.