Thursday, September 20, 2007


I do agree that Myspace is a social network. It allows people from all over the world to interact and be connected to each other. For the most part I am not a fan of myspace. I feel it is overrated and taken over my 13 year olds talking about how there like totally sucks. I feel it might be doing more harm then anything. This could increase the problems we already have with children being exploded online. There is no age limit and anybody can view your site and see what you write. I know you can say well don't type personnel information but 13 y/o don't really understand that and shouldn't be on these kind of sites.
David Bolinsky: A Fantastic Voyage Inside The Cell, is who I did my TED Talk on. He is a medical animator who has this company XVIVO. They teach Harvard medical students by producing these advanced images and videos to help them see and understand what goes on inside the human body.

His goal of these images is to help people understand the truth and beauty of our bodies through biologic animation. This allows us to see 3-D anatomically correct images in motion. We are seeing real life actions of what really goes on inside our body.

This is an extremely advanced teaching tool. This opens up so many opportunities for inspiring creativity and sparking imagination. I feel this tool should open up to more than just the medical community. I think high school biology classes would benefit from these images and also smaller colleges and universities, that might not have the most advanced technology in there schools. With these videos and images there is no need for high tech technology. Yet it is the most advance images out there.

This will allow students to interact and have fun while understand and learning the intricate inner working's of the human body.

With this advancement I also feel that in the future we will be able to look at these images and use them to help have more control over our health. The more we learn from these images the better educated we will be. That will lead to the advancement in the research and actual care of our health.

Here is one of the images I got from his online portfolio

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Surfing the Web

I would say I surf the net about 7-10 hours a week. These were a few that I found myself going to more than once. - got to keep up with school and e-mail - keeping in touch with friends - it has everything - trying to keep current with news - duh! medical - I am really bad with words - I have to be prepared and know how to dress for the day

Thursday, September 6, 2007

One Laptop Per Child

My Ted Talk this week is by a guy named Nicholas Negroponte: The vision behind one laptop per child. I choose this one because I thought it tied in with what we have been learning so far. The internet and education and also creativity.

He included a few slides with his presentation so some of this information is directly from him. The basic principles of the project is that
1. Children are our most precious natural resource
2. The solution to poverty, peace, and environment is education
3. Teaching is one but not the only way to achieve learning

A big point he wanted to get across was this is not a laptop project it is an education project. It is a non-profit organization that has so far raised 20 million dollars in funding.

His number one rule is scale. He doesn't want a few laptops going here or there he is talking about millions. The plan is for 7-10 million in 2007 and 100-200 million in 2008.

There are 7 countries that are the first targets for this project.

Another big point in this project is the labtops are going to be made for only $100 dollars. The cost for the children is nothing. They are very versatile and have many purposes.

I can't imagine what this is going to do for these countries in the future. Most of these children have never heard of a computer before and now there towns and villages will have networks. This opens up so many opportunities for these kids to advance and make a life for themselves.

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Internet and Education

The Internet is very important in my education. As stated before I am going to school to become an RN and the internet helps me stay current. There are amazing medical websites out there that keep me informed on the latest research, newest debates , and interactive videos that allow me to view things like medical procedures.

Within the next five years the internet and education can only advance more. I think the number of online classroom's and teaching will increase. Allowing more international interactions and students never having to leave there home to get an education. Now is that for the best who knows. But I think it will give more opportunity and open more doors for people trying to get an education.

The biggest change involving education would be changing how schools teach. With the way curriculum is enforced in the school system there is not much time for students to be educated in alternative ways like the internet (secondary education). I feel if the internet had a bigger influence on education it would bring back some creativity into education. Allowing student to interact with other students around the world and be more involved in worldly events. With the internet if we want to incorporate education into more there needs to be a better filtering system. I don't want my child to be on the internet trying to do his/her school work when a pop-up ad comes up and it's for a porno site. How to keep that from happening is a whole other issue on it's own. Since the internet is not government regulated anything and everything is on there so you also have to take that into consideration.

The first step it would take to connect other nations and people around the world would be education. I know it sounds funny but really. There are countries that have never even heard or seen a computer before much less know what the internet was. So educating and helping under privilege countries would open up so many opportunities for so many people.