Tuesday, August 28, 2007


This was very interesting and definitely got my brain ticking. I feel that schooling is changing and will change as we advance in our society. Is the change always for the best, yes and no. The biggest issue I have with education at the present time is SOL's. I firmly believe this is the biggest reason for children not being able to keep or explore there creativity. SOL's create such a dictatorship when it comes to curriculum and what must be taught and accomplished by the end of the year. Then at the end of the year the children are suppose to take this test to prove they learned something. I don't know about the rest of you but I am a horrible test taker. So the children are required to take this test and the results show how well that child learned the material from the entire year. They are then judged by the results of this one test.

When I was in high school they just started this new plan where if you didn't pass your SOL you had to take special remedial classes, so now you are being singled out and then they would even go as far as not letting you continue on to the next grade. In Mr. Robinson's presentation he stated that we don't grow into creativity we grow out of it or educated out of it." My sister is 12 years old and all ready her concern in school is am I going to pass my SOL's. They pressure you and beat it into your head what they want you to know. There is no option or room with the way schooling is going to even begin to want to be creative. You have to outsource to find ways to be creative which means extra ciricular actvites with the school, if available or elsewhere.

So, do I think schools kill creativity absolutely. This does need to change and I feel in order to do so it will take much effort from the entire chain of command. We need more options. If SOL's are here to stay then the school really needs to make an effort at finding alternative routes of teaching that can still follow the guidelines of the SOL material. They need to offer more extra curricular activities all throughout education and let the children be more involved in what they are learning.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Getting Started

My Name is Bryana and I am currently a student. This week was the start of my first semester of being an RN. I know it's going to be tough and very exhausting but well worth it in the end. So you better be nice when you comment because I could be taking care of you one day!!! Schooling pretty much takes up most of my time and between that I do work. When I do have free time I love watching movies, thats probably what I do the most in my free time. Netflex's is my friend. I have never "blogged" before so this should be interesting and I am excited about this class and learning new things!